I finally got our ultrasounds into the computer! I'm such a procrastinator. Hey, nowbody is perfect. :] The ultrasound was done when I was 9 weeks and 3 days prego. The baby was 6.7 centimeters. So small. :] According to the Bump.com (i subscribed to get weekly updates) the baby is NOW the size of a lime and I am 11 weeks along. :] We are so excited to start our family. We hope it's a boy but we'll be just as happy with a girl. We've kind of thought of names but nothing has really triggered our fancy.
Matt and I have been trying to find out ways to get out of debt because we basically only make enough money to pay on interest alone. It has been pretty hard the last few months (for me at least, Matt is usually the one to tell me its ok.) to even just make the minimum payment. I couldn't figure out why since we are both working full time jobs. We don't go out to dinner or spend money on random things. Our money is spent strictly on bills and minimal groceries alone. I asked Rabecca if she had any ideas and I think she was joking when she said this but she said that we should just move in with them. She later told me that Brad wanted to suggest it to us before we signed our new lease just a few months ago. I wish he would have. It would have saved us so much money.
So...to make a long story short, we signed a termination of lease and are moving in with Rabecca and Brad the beginning of December. We'll be taking over the kids toy room so Elliot and Aiden might be confused for a while as to why their toys are no longer down there. I am so glad that they are ok with us staying there. Matt and I need to get out of debt before the baby comes. We just weren't doing it on our own.
I'm always a little nervous to move in with family but I know things will be just fine. Thank You Crooks! We needed this. They truely know the meaning of service. I know that they love their family to. Matt and I can learn a lot from them and I hope we do.
In light of Thanksgiving...I am thankfull for the Crooks! <3